Saturday, January 30, 2010

Getting closer...

I went to see my doctor yesterday, and he is talking about inducing me in two weeks, due to Lily being so big and me being dilated already. Two weeks! I told him that I had things scheduled for the next three weeks, and I wasn't sure if that would work. He looked at Matt, Matt looked at him, and then they both looked at me like I was crazy. It seems a bit unreal that it is so close. I am not sure if we are completely ready yet (are you ever?). But, Matt, Lily and I spent the day doing things that are helping me feel closer to being ready. We even took a tour of the hospital where I will be delivering. It was really nice, very comfortable looking. I think Matt especially will like the extra hospital bed in the room just for him. The one thing they have that I really appreciated with Lily is that the clean the baby right in the room and then give the baby right back to you, where you can watch the whole time. There's also a nice big couch in the birthing room, so if you want to join us....Just kidding! I think after today, my anxiety has gone down quite a bit. I am still not sure about the two weeks though. We still need to come up with a name...

Monday, January 18, 2010

He's back!

Matt returned this morning from a 10-day stay in Massachusetts. I didn't say anything before, because I am somewhat paranoid, and I didn't want anyone to know that Lily and I were on our own. I wasn't sure if we would survive, but with the help of a great babysitter, Matt's family, and some Costco specials, we made it. He was out there visiting family that he had never met, gathering family history information, and seeing places he had never been. It sounds like he had a fun and productive time. He had been wanting to go, and we decided that if he didn't go before the baby came, who knows when he would get the chance. Hopefully, we can get some pictures to post soon! To any of you who are single parents, my hat is off to you--I don't know how people do this all the time.