Monday, January 12, 2009

Go Cougars!

No, they didn't win any great bowl games or have a professor win a Nobel Prize recently, but it's fun to reminisce. Matt is taking an independent study class through BYU, and in order to save $200, we made a trip to the BYU Bookstore. Classes started last week, and Provo was certainly a different place from the beginning of January, when Christmas vacation was still in full swing. Students with backpacks were everywhere. Matt is definitely not BYU fan, and that combined with a bit of self-consciousness due to his being a bit of a "non-traditional" student and with a two-year old in tow, there was a bit of apprehension towards going inside. We found the bookstore and his required materials with no trouble, with the exception of Lily wanting to go up and down the stairs by herself, as students with longer legs and more of a schedule to keep rushed past. We checked out the BYU apparel, Lily tried on at least 10 different hats (BYU FISHING--What does that mean), she had a meltdown at having to leave the rubber CTR rings, we looked at the large assortment of pens and pencils (something Matt does have fond memories of from years past), and finished the trip with a BYU Creamery ice cream cone and some people watching in the Cougareat. It has been 12 and a half years since I started my college years, which is really hard to believe. I don't feel that old, and looking at the students, they didn't seem that young, but wow, is my life different now. Going back today brought back some fun memories. One thing Matt and I definitely decided is that you should finish college when you are young, not married, and preferably when someone else is footing the bill.:)

**I brought the camera on the journey, but unfortunately, Matt wouldn't let me bring it inside.

1 comment:

AMANDAM said...

I also have fond memories of the and pencils and BYU bookstore. They have taken out my favorite ones though and it made me sad.